2019 Eagles Middle School baseball team
Head Coach - Julius Germany
Asst. Coach - Jose Taitague
Asst. Coach - Shane Holliday
0-0 (0 home - 0 away)
0-1 (0-1 home, 0-0 away)
2/27 vs. Westminster Wildcats L 2-5
2/25 vs. EDS Panthers W 11-8
2/27 at St. Mary's on the Hill L 1-9
3/2 vs. PAC Panthers L 2-4
3/2 vs. PAC Panthers L 9-14
3/15 vs. ACS Lions L 2-18
3/16 at Greenville Hurricanes L 2-12
3/18 at St. Mary's on the Hill L 8-19
3/21 at N. Augusta Rec Dept. W 10-6
3/23 vs. Coastal Hurricanes W 9-5
3/23 vs. Coastal Hurricanes W 9-3
3/29 at N. Augusta Rec Dept. W 9-1
4/4 at ACS Lions L 8-9
4/18 at EDS Panthers L 4-7
4/20 at Coastal Hurricanes L 4-5
5/11 vs. Upstate Eagles L 1-9
5/11 vs. Upstate Eagles W 7-6
WE LOVE NEW PLAYERS! Do you have a son who would like to play Baseball? Click here to learn how to register for the team!