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To register your child for any of the Eagle Sports teams, please read through the Policies and Information and then Register on the appropriate link. A one-time per calendar year (July-June) $25  Eagle Sports Registration Fee is required per athlete in addition to the sports  fee.

Open Registrations


2024 Eagles Football Regular Season Registration

This registration for the 2024 Augusta Eagles Football season to include Summer Workouts, Fall Practices, and Regular Season is now open.


The total registration fees for the season are $375.00.

You will have the option to pay all fees in full or you can choose to select a payment option which would be $50.00 immediately. Then $201.50 due on June 15th and the final payment of $123.50 due on July 1st.


We are excited about the 2024 season and look forward to being together again soon. Go Eagles!

- Eagles Football Committee





2024 Cross Country Registration

We are excited for another year of Augusta Eagles Cross Country!


Varsity Only: Saturday practices begin June 1, 7:30am - 9:30am. 

All: Weekday practices begin July 8, 5:30pm Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays  (Varsity Saturdays will continue throughout the season). 

(further details will be sent out to rostered team members)

Note: All runners are encouraged to run during June in order to build aerobic base and acclimate to the heat. Do NOT wait until JULY!! Reach out to your coaches if you have not seen a plan yet.


2024 Fees (includes $30 eagles fee) 

   $170 Varsity (9th-12th grade)

   $120 MS (6th-8th grade)

   $95 JR (3rd - 5th grade)

Sibling Discount: Use code "morethan1cc" to subtract $10 per athlete.

The Registration "Registration" is not currently available.


2024 Volleyball Registration

We are excited for another year of Augusta Lady Eagles Volleyball!

Tryouts will be held June 17 & 18 for placement on one of three teams: Middle School team, Junior Varsity team, or Varsity. Fees vary by each team due to coach stipends, referee expense, and team entry fees for Saturday tournaments. Your fees will also include a uniform loan, organization insurance fees, $25 annual Eagles Sports Board fee, gym rental, and instruction from skilled, experienced coaches.

Summer Open Gym:

Regular Season Practices: M, T, Th, F beginning July 8.

A more in depth calendar will be available under the website. 

The total fees for the season are:

Middle School Team- $500

Junior Varsity Team- $600

Varsity Team- $700 (plus additional NACA tournament fees per player-TBD)

The Registration "Registration" is not currently available.

Sports Interest


SOFTBALL: This registration is to see what interest within the CSRA Homeschooling Community there is in creating a Lady Eagles Softball team. Once we have at least 12 players interested in forming a Lady Eagles Softball team we will reach out to the families to have an information meeting about creating a team.

Eagle Sports of Augusta

Eagle Sports of Augusta